
What should my pitch deck include to be eligible for listing on SeedLegals' Deals page?

This article provides guidance on what your pitch deck needs to include in order to be eligible for listing on our Deals page.

What should my pitch deck include?

When drafting your pitch deck, you should include the following:

  • Your company’s full registered name and trading address
  • A name and contact point for a senior employee at your company
  • The nature of your company’s business (e.g Fintech, Healthtech, Edtech, Fashion Retail etc)
  • Plain and intelligible language. 

You should also make sure that:

  • All the information contained in the deck is accurate and up to date;
  • All products/services been described accurately and in an honest manner;
  • The pitch is fair, honest and not misleading.

What do I need to be careful of when drafting my pitch deck?

As well as being accurate and honest, you need to make sure that your pitch does not emphasise any potential benefits of a relevant investment without also giving a fair and prominent indication of any relevant risks.

For your pitch deck to be eligible for listing under our Deals offering it needs to contain the following:

A prominent warning should be added on one of the first slides (with a font at least the same size as the rest of the text on the slide), stating that:

“Investing in new and early-stage businesses entails risks, including the risk that an investor may lose the entirety of their investment. This pitch deck is designed for exclusive viewing of institutional, sophisticated or high-net worth investors that have the knowledge and experience to understand and manage the risks associated with such investments, and to make their own decisions. Please note that sophisticated and high-net worth investors sacrifice certain regulatory protections, and that it is open to you to seek financial advice before making an investment.”

It is important that the above warning is not disguised, diminished or obscured.

Can I include 3rd party statistics or information?

Yes, you can, however if your pitch contains any information from a 3rd party then you should consider the following:

  • You should include the source of the statistics or 3rd party data, ideally on the same page - for example as a footnote reference. 
  • If comparisons are used, you should make sure they are fair, unbiased and honest.

Can I include figures relating to past performance or future forecasts in my pitch deck?

You can include figures in your pitch deck , however:  

  • If the deck  refers to a particular tax treatment, you should make sure that a prominent warning is included which states that:

"Tax treatment depends on individual circumstances of each client and may be subject to change in the future"

  • If performance figures relating to past results are included or similarly the deck contains figures relating to an indication of future performance, another prominent warning should be added stating:

"Figures provided refer to the past and that past performance may not be a reliable indicator of future results. Similarly any forecasted figures are not a reliable indicator of future performance."

  • You should ensure that any forecasted figures are based on reasonable assumptions supported by objective data.