
How to use the Data Room?

Do you want to share documents with your investors? Here is a guide on how to use the Data Room - just for you!

1.   Go to the Data Room

Log in to SeedLegals, and select the "Pitch" tab at the top left of your screen. Next, go to the "Data Room" tab at the top of your screen


🤔 What type of documents should I share via my Data Room?

Depending on the degree of maturity, there may be many documents in the data room, here are some examples:

  • Term Sheet, financial forecasts, asset register, management accounts
  • Articles of incorporation, shareholders' agreement, customer contracts, investor rights agreements, partnership agreements, market research, marketing materials
  • Patents (granted and filed), IP strategy, software license details (you should also list any open-source software that you use), domain name ownership etc.


2.   Manage Access rights


The Access permissions section allows you to manage user access.

You can add new users by clicking onon the right side.

Investors you add will be listed under 'Granted access' and investors who have requested access to your Data Room will be listed under 'Have requested access'.



When you add a person, they will receive a "you have been invited to the Data Room" email and the link will direct that person to the Pitch page.

⚠️Your Pitch page must be set to "Live" for investors to access it

3.   Sharing document in the Data Room

What will be in your Data Room?

  • Term Sheet: You can show your Term Sheet or Letter of Intent if you have one (created on the platform)
  • Uploaded documents: upload documents by clicking on the three dots on the right of your screen. You can also edit or delete it.


"Edit file" will give you the option to rename it and add a description.


Small tip: to see what investors see, go to the Pitch tab and click on the "Preview" button

Then, scroll down your page to see the documents that are in the ''Data Room''.



If you encounter any difficulty when using the Data Room, do not hesitate to contact the team on the chat at the bottom right of your screen. 😸💬