How do I know if signatures are missing on a document and send reminders?

Waiting for signatures? Here's how to check the progress of signatures and follow up with your partners and investors.

Check for missing signatures

  • First, log in to the SeedLegals platform, go to ''My Documents'' and open the document you want to check.

  • Once the document is open, click on the signature icon at the top right

  • A window will appear showing you who has already signed and who has not yet signed.
    Those who have not yet signed will be listed under

Envoyer un rappel


You can send reminders to people who have not yet signed to review and sign the document:

  • Click the share icon at the top right of the document

    A window will appear with the list of people with whom you have shared the document.

    To send a reminder, click on the 3 dots next to the name, then click on

The recipient will then receive an email reminding them to consult the document and allowing them to sign it.

Any questions ?

If you have any further questions, click the chat button to send us a message - we'll be happy to help.